The Laboratory Medicine in the Era of Global Changes
New opportunities and challenge
Countries of participants
Forum participants
Company representatives
September, 19-20
Kazmedia Media Center, Astana, Dinmukhamed Kunaev St., 4
About the Forum
Natforlab is our platform for exchanging ideas, experiences and opportunities for cooperation in laboratory diagnostics

The Natforlab Forum will show the latest technologies and innovations in laboratory medicine, quality management of laboratory services, integration of laboratory information with digital healthcare.
Forum organizer:
Federation of Laboratory Medicine
co-organizers of the forum
NJSC "Astana Medical University"
Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan
National Scientific Center for Health Development named after. Salidat Kairbekova
We invite you to the forum
Heads of Medical Laboratories
Staff of the Laboratory Medicine Department
Physician laboratory technicians
Medical laboratory specialists
Healthcare professionals specializing in the field
Clinical physicians
Companies and manufacturers of laboratory equipment
Forum attendance is free
Organizing Committee
Suleimenova Zhanar Nurlanovna
Chief Freelance specialist in clinical laboratory diagnostics of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, President of FLM LLC
Bisenova Nelya Mikhailovna
Head of the Microbiological Laboratory of JSC "National Scientific Medical Center"
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
Dosmagambetova Aigul Muratovna
Head of the Laboratory Department

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor
Tretyakova Yulia Vasilyevna
Head of the laboratory
Kurmankina Aliya Turgaevna
Head of the Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory
Yankovskaya Irina Tadeushevna
Head of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics
Kerimbekova Gulzhan Rakhimzhanovna
Head of the Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory
Bisembaeva Gulnar Amirgalievna
Head of CDL, Regional Multidisciplinary Hospital,
Chief supernumerary specialist on CDL of Karaganda region.
Astana city
Astana city
Astana city
Astana city
Astana city
Astana city
Astana city
Karaganda city
The History of Natforlab in 2023
Our Achievements
specialists participated in the past forums
companies participating in our forum
countries invited speakers
from 23+
Join the world of high-quality equipment from leading global manufacturers
General Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
silver Sponsor
Information partners
We invite you to the forum
Dear colleagues, great pleasure to invite you participate in the National Forum of Laboratory Medicine of Kazakhstan. this Forum supporting by international associations, national scientific centers and institutes of Kazakhstan. Natforlab 2024 invating laboratory medicine specialists in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana, to see one of the dynamically developing cities in the world.

The National Forum of Laboratory Medicine - Natforlab 2024 onen for laboratory specialists and scientists from all over the world. New geopolitical realities require us to unite, strengthen and consolidate the efforts of healthcare specialists to improve international colabrations, exchange experiences and achieve comprehensive development.

Natforlab 2024 will be one the most successful event in our country of laboratory medicine.

Natforlab 2024 organaizing in a critical moment in the development of clinical laboratory medicine.

We are wormly open for significant scientific and technological advances on the time increasingly important role in healthcare.

Natforlab 2024 will provide an exceptional platform to discuss achievements and innovations in laboratory medicine and strengthen cooperation between professionals and experts.

Natforlab 2024 is the country’s premier forum facilitating dialogue between scientists, laboratory experts, clinicians and industry professionals in Kazakhstan.

We express our gratitude to all of you for participating in Natforlab 2024 and invite you to Astana for unforgettable impressions, amazing meetings and active discussions.
President of the Public association FLM, chief freelance specialist in clinical laboratory diagnostics of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Public Association "Federation of Laboratory Medicine" BIN: 1701400002855
Contacts: +77714075404
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